


Jane's Story

I was prescribed Levaquin for a severe respiratory infection the last week in February 2005.

I began taking it and had some racing of the heart but thought it might be due to my MVP condition.

After 5 days on it my anxiety level was so high I called my dr. and asked if I could discontinue due to nervousness and he said O.K. On the sixth day after taking my last dose, I suffered a seizure at around 12 am. I could feel my legs going numb and called to my husband for help. That was the last I remembered until I awoke to the paramedics. MRI and CAT scan ruled out any abnormalities in the brain but after a two day visit in the hospital, I was released with no additional meds prescribed.

My local doctor referred me to an Emory Seizure specialist. After a long interrogation and and EEG they finally concluded that they did not have an answer for the seizure. I still cannot drive alone and endured severe panic attacks and hot flashes. I still have a high anxiety level but most days now I am functioning at a normal level. I am so glad to have found this web site. I didn't realize the number of victims from this class of drugs.

Last Updated 8/21/05